Buenos Aires Spanish Course Prices & Fees - © Unknown

Start Dates & Holidays

In Argentina we know how to work! But fortunately for us we've also got a healthy calendar of public holidays for those moments when we need a break. Take a look at the start dates and public holidays applicable to our Spanish school in Argentina!

Start Dates

Our courses start each Monday. You can begin private classes on any business day.

Public Holidays 2019

In 2019 Ailola Buenos Aires Spanish school is closed on the following public holidays in Argentina:

  • January: 01/01 (Año Nuevo)
  • March: 04/03 (Lunes de Carnaval), 05/03 (Martes de Carnaval), 24/03 (Día Nacional de la Verdad y la Justicia)
  • April: 02/04 (Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas), 18/04 (Jueves Santo), 19/04 (Viernes Santo)
  • May: 01/05 (Día del Trabajo), 25/05 (Día de la Revolución de Mayo)
  • June: 20/06 (Muerte del Gral. Manuel Belgrano)
  • July: 08/07 (Día Feriado), 09/07 (Día de la Independencia)
  • August: 17/08 (Muerte del Gral. José de San Martín), 19/08 (Día Feriado)
  • October: 12/10 (Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural), 14/10 (Día Feriado)
  • November: 18/11 (Día de la Soberanía Nacional)
  • December: 08/12 (Día de la Inmaculada Concepción de María), 25/12 (Navidad)

During weeks with one holiday, Spanish classes will be compensated by 3 additional Spanish classes and a special activity during the afternoon. During weeks with two holidays, the Spanish school will close only during one day and remains open the other.